Thirty #Dreamers to be supported by the Hugo Charitable Trust

The Hugo Charitable Trust have a novel way of finding out which charities they should support. They invite three different groups of young people to go out and engage with their communities, conducting research on the various community groups and charities. The groups then present back to the trustees – “Dragons Den” style.

Matthew Rawlings and Brittany Stewart were part of one of the “Hugo Dragons Den” groups who were challenged to think more deeply about charitable work and giving in New Zealand.  After some extensive research, Matthew and Brittan gave a fantastic presentation about the I Have A Dream Charitable Trust to Hugo trustees on 10 May 2018. Julia Hunter, Donations Manager at The Hugo Charitable Trust says that the Hugo trustees were impressed with the I Have A Dream journey to date and they were keen to support The Ngātahi Education Initiative.

“The trustees liked the idea of navigators who walk alongside children to help them steer their own educational pathways and navigate any disruptions they encounter along the way.” Julia said.

Thanks to the supportive work from Matthew and Brittany, thirty Northland #Dreamers will be able to participate in the I Have A Dream programme for one year. Matthew said there was a multitude of elements which drew him to consider supporting the I Have A Dream Trust.

“One of the key factors which makes the I Have A Dream Trust such a worthy cause is that they know the programme works and have years of research [from Mt. Roskill] to prove it.” Matthew said.

The I Have A Dream team are hugely thankful of the time and effort which Matthew and Brittany put into their presentation and we are very grateful that the Hugo Charitable Trust agreed the programme was worthy of its support. We look forward to sharing the thirty #Dreamers journey with you all in the coming year.

Matthew and Brittany presenting to the Hugo Trustees & Team
Hugo Charitable Trust

The Hugo Charitable Trust was founded in May 2017 by Maryanne Green to honour the legacy of her father, Hugh Green, and the values that he and Maryanne developed over the 25 years they worked closely together. “Hugo” was the name that Hugh Green used on his travel documents when he first left Ireland at the age of 17. The Hugo Charitable Trust make donations nationwide in the relief of poverty, the advancement of family, social and community welfare and the care and support of the disadvantaged or marginalised. The Hugo Charitable Trust is committed to honouring Hugh’s life work and building on his legacy for the future benefit of Aotearoa New Zealand and all New Zealanders with new ideas, new ways, and new directions for the future.

If you would like to know more about The Hugo Charitable Trust and Hugh Green, visit www.hugocharitabletrust.nz.


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