Creative Dreamers at Inspire Art school

Creating art is good for us. If we paint, sculpt, dance, make music or have some other creative outlet, science tells us that partaking in these activities will strengthen our brains and improve our moods [source: Business Insider]. Art can have less tangible benefits too. It can provide a space whereby children and adults feel safe, are free to be themselves and even feel part of a community. This kind of environment is exactly what local artist and business owner, Jessie Rose has strived to create at her art school Inspire Art. Inspire Art students are encouraged to develop creative thinking, explore new ideas, push boundaries and learn to express themselves through art and creativity. 

“I set up Inspire Art to be different – a safe place where people can come and be themselves, where they can learn that it is OK to be unique, and to learn to express themselves through art.

The results from these classes have been just amazing.” Jessie Rose says.

The collaboration with Jessie Rose and I Have a Dream began in early 2019 where one of Jessie Rose’s teenage classes came up with an idea to paint something which would benefit others. They created the piece ‘Unity and Community’ which was auctioned off and the proceeds went to I Have a Dream. Since then, we have had 15 lucky Dreamers be sponsored (two by Jessie Rose herself) to attend Inspire Art on a termly basis with four Dreamers publicly displaying their work at an Inspire Art exhibition. The benefits we have seen in our Dreamers and the feedback received from parents has been tremendous. 

“Maia has enjoyed the classes and learnt so much.  She has been able to receive guidance in her creations.  Through her art you can see she has learnt the art of shading and enhanced her ability to experiment with colour.   Being with likeminded people who share the same passion builds her confidence and also challengers her to push beyond her boundaries.” says Janet Harris (Maia’s Mum).

Part of the I Have a Dream kaupapa is to help identify, develop and encourage Dreamers strengths and interests for future success. Through Inspire Art, our Dreamers are building confidence and positivity in their creativity. It is exactly these kinds of successes which energise Jessie Rose. 

“I hear from parents how proud the students are of their work and what they are achieving.  The Dreamers will often come into class excited, proudly showing me in their Inspire book what they have drawn over the week. Often they have amazed themselves with what they have drawn, and you can hear the excitement in their voice. Things like this are very special to me.” says Jessie Rose.

A special thank you to must be said to John Charrington who has sponsored 10 tamariki to attend the classes in Term 4 2019. It is an incredible opportunity that these tamariki would not otherwise have had access to. Thanks for your support John!

Dreamers creations
Jessie Rose and Dreamer Noah Simon

Jessie Rose has always worked hard to give back to the community, and being able to provide a creative outlet for children which would otherwise not get the opportunity, really motivates Jessie Rose. I Have a Dream and Jessie Rose would love to be able to send more tamariki to Inspire Art school in 2020. A 10 week term costs $255 per child. If you would like to support us, please email Cat@ihaveadream.org.nz


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